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Cooperation on educational activities with external partners.
Mission: social inclusion through increased digital knowledge

Our goal is to build & foster relationship with educational institutions in 4 areas: schools, universities, third age universities and CSR/NGO partners. Through EDUCORN activities, we're not just sharing knowledge. We're also building our brand & identity as an employer who is committed to education and creates culture of "giving back" to local communities.

Our goal is to build relationships.
We want to work with schools, universities and other partners.
We share knowledge.
We want to be seen as an employer who cares about education.
We create a culture of giving back.
We want to help local communities.


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In the academic year 2023/24, we were cooperating with 16 partners in 5 cities in Slovakia. Altogether we have organized 49 events with 767 unique participants. Our portfolio consists of 31 topics, mostly in the area of new technologies, internet security, hoaxes, scams & privacy protection, etc. 40 colleagues are actively contributing to EDUCORN activities.

DTSE SK is the 1st company in Slovakia cooperating with a university of 3rd age. For our activities at university of 3rd age, we have been awarded "Good Magenta" label, as first Telekom entity in Slovakia.

Last year we worked with sixteen partners in five cities in Slovakia.
We organized forty-nine events with seven hundred sixty-seven participants.
Our topics include new technologies and internet security.
Forty colleagues help with EDUCORN.
DTSE SK is the first company in Slovakia to work with a university of third age.
We received the "Good Magenta" label for our work there.
The "Good Magenta" label shows, that we care about our community.

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