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Generation Now

Enabling students today to be tomorrow's experts

Progressing societies strongly rely on the ability of their population to use creativity, connected thinking and technological transfer to solve ever new problems. Many initiatives are already working on getting young people interested in STEM subjects in order to find innovative solutions with them - and Telekom Croatia is supporting them with Generation Now.

Progressing societies need creative people.
They need people who can connect ideas.
They also need people who can use technology to solve problems.

Many projects want young people to like STEM subjects.
STEM means Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics.

This helps find new and smart solutions.
Telekom Croatia helps these projects with Generation Now.

Generation Now

Hrvatski Telekom invests another HRK 700,000 in STEM education of youth.
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Generation Now

Hrvatski Telekom invests another HRK 700,000 in STEM education of youth.
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Participating educational institutions and NGOs are accompanied by experts, receive state-of-the-art equipment for creative IoT projects, free access to the Internet including data volume, and financial subventions. By 2021, more than 2,200 students have already been trained to contribute to a more innovative and creative future.

Schools, colleges, and other educational groups, as well as NGOs (non-governmental organizations), get help from experts.
They get the latest equipment for creative IoT projects (Internet of Things).
They also get free Internet access, including data usage.
They receive financial support.
By 2021, over 2,200 students have already been trained.
They're learning to make the future more innovative and creative.

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